Sunday, September 5, 2010

Amazing Facts & Human life

The human mind is always in search for novelty. As said variety is spice of life, people by nature keep looking for new things and amazing facts.

Most of people in the world lead a pretty bring and normal life. They do not have many things to enjoy in life. They keep looking for new things to enjoy in their life. Entertainment is a basic human need and to satisfy this need people have come up with lots of means of entertainment and amusement. Arts, drama, music, dance, etc have been invented with the purpose of entertainment as well as exploring human creativity
Lots of people find another way to keep themselves engaged - traveling. Traveling to unknown and exotic places of the world can make people forget their blues and feel rejuvenated. You also come to know about lots of amazing facts, that you did not know earlier, about the places and the whole world.

The world is like a big book and if someone has not traveled to any place in the world they have read only one page of the book. Tourism has turned out to be a huge industry worldwide as humans get struck by wanderlust once in a while. Traveling to new places and knowing about new cultures and lifestyle can make one wise about the diversity and variety of the world. It can also forge love for humanity and a proper underrating of our differences. It is seen that people suffer from xenophobia only because they do not know about others. People fear unknown things by nature. So, traveling is a great way to promote world peace.

Various forms of arts like cinema can also promote world peace as people come to know about cultures of other people after watching any film. Music
is also great for fostering human bonding. It is said that music has no language. People tend to like music of other cultures even without understating the lyrics.

It is a wise decision to travel all over the world and experience various cultures of the world. You come to know about many amazing facts that way.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

How should this character look ???

I have this one female character who is an angel. Not exactly a guardian angel, but she comes down to Earth to help my main character who is also a girl. (Just mentioning that so everyone knows there is no romance involved in this story) Anyway, the main character won't know she's an angel into the end. While on Earth, she constantly bugs the main character because she wants the main character to continue working on her dream, I know it sounds corny and religious, but it has nothing to do with religion. I'm just wondering if she should have the stereotypical pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed look, or not. What do you think? I know it's not a lot of information but thanks for your help.

Monday, July 26, 2010

What is LOVE???

How do you define love?

Some say it's mysterious, magical, complex, difficult, imaginary, thought-provoking, inspirational, intuitional, joyous, immeasurable, ecstasy, and undefinable. Perhaps.

In one of Dr. John Gray's audio cassettes he defines love as follows: "Love is a feeling directed at someone which acknowledges their goodness."

On the same cassette, he refers to the definition by M. Scott Peck: "The willful intent to serve the well being of another.
a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"
Sometimes love is stronger than a man's convictions (Isaac Bashevis Singer)
Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness Sys(Oliver Wendell Holmes)

We love because it's the only true adventure." - Nikki Giovanni
"Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature." - Howard Thurman
"Love is like war: Easy to begin but hard to end." - Anonymous
Where love is, no room is too small." - Talmud
"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven." - Karen Sunde
"Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever." - unknown

Finally i think it's very complex to define word "love"

Everyone can feel love but can not define.

I also do love but i can not define
Love is not for any specific person anyone could love with anyone.
love with Allah, love with parents, love with spouse, love with son, love with daughter, love with animal,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Challenge to Succeed ? Yes:

It is a challenge to succeed. If it were not, I’m sure more people would be successful, but for every person who is enjoying the fruit from the tree of success, many more are examining the roots. They are trying to figure it all out. They are mystified and perplexed by what seems to be some strange, complex and elusive secret that must be found if ever success is to be enjoyed. While most people spend most of their lives struggling to earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What's the significance of life? Who are we?

Is human life just a dream, from which we never really awake, as some great thinkers claim? Are we submerged by our feelings, by our loves and hates, by our ideas of good, bad, beautiful, awful? Are we incapable of knowing beyond those ideas and feelings?

Listen to Shakespeare and Joseph Conrad:

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep…
William Shakespeare,

A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea.
Joseph Conrad,
Is the reality we know a reality imposed to us by nature? Is the reality and the meaning of life a creation of men, such as music, or love or colors (science tells us that there isn't such things as music, harmony or colors in the physic world. Just traveling molecules: «There is not, external to us, hot or cold, but only different velocities of molecules; there aren’t sounds, callings, harmonies, but just variations in the pressure of the air; there aren’t colors, or light, just electro-magnetic waves», said H. Von Foerster.).

Are we - and all living beings - just «survival machines, blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes», as Richard Dawkins states? Are we incapable of knowing beyond the frames imposed to us by nature?

Is there any significance for life in a Universe of billions of stars that ignore us? Is there any significance for life in an Universe whose dimensions and nature overcome our understanding?

Listen to the words of Pascal, in the seventeenth century:

«When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity that lies before and after it, when I consider the little space I fill and I see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I rest frightened, and astonished, for there is no reason why I should be here rather than there. Why now rather than then? Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have this place and time have been ascribed to me?»

Life Experience,Life is Good, Life of every Type of Person, Life of Poor & Rich man, Glamber

Life Experience,Life is Good, Life of every Type of Person, Life of Poor & Rich man, Glamber: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"


What is Life and Meaning of Life?

What is meaning of life? Does this sound like a strange question to you? Of course we all know what is meant by the word "life", but how would you define it?

Do all living things move? Do they all eat and breathe? Even though we all seem to know what is meant by saying something is "alive", it's not very easy to describe what "life" is. It's almost as hard as describing where life came from.

Even the biologists (people who study life) have a tough time describing what life is! But after many years of studying living things, from the mold on your old tuna sandwich to monkeys in the rain forest, biologists have determined that all living things do share

some things in common:

1) Living things need to take in energy
2) Living things get rid of waste
3) Living things grow and develop
4) Living things respond to their environment
5) Living things reproduce and pass their traits onto their offspring
6) Over time, living things evolve (change slowly) in response to their environment

Therefore, in order for something to be considered to "have life" as we know it, it must possess these characteristics.